15 Tips to staying on track in the Silly Season

The party season is upon us!

It’s an exciting time of year. It’s the social season. There’s events every day of the week. There’s a festive feeling in the air that makes us feel like celebrating with drinks and dining. While it is great to enjoy the summer and the season, it’s also good to remember to stick true to your health and fitness goals and not to derail all of the hard work that you have done in the lead up to the end of the year.

Loosing control of your routine and gaining weight during Nov-Jan is a common downfall of the festive season. Various seasonal holidays and events may encourage consuming more alcohol, eating more rich foods and forgoing usual active routines.

So while it’s tempting to drink in the Monday afternoon sun and it’s an all too familiar sight to see that tray of delicious canapé’s coming your way - here are some tips that can help ensure you avoid holiday weight gain, whilst still having fun.

1.Stay active

Prioritise your normal workout routines and be mindful not to let late nights interfere with your morning workouts.

2. Limit the days of alcohol consumption

There are so many events on this time of year, so only drink alcohol at events and don’t slip into the habit of drinking all through the week.

3. Limit liquid calories

Make wise decisions with the choice of alcohol that you drink - choosing low calorie options over surgery calorie laden options will make a big difference.

4. Substitute some drinks

Take non-alcoholic sugar free options here and there when you can and/or drink a glass of water in between drinks.

5. Juice cleanse

It can get crazy with the amount of drinking or dining in the social calendar this time of year. You might like to consider doing a juice cleanse day once per week to reset after each weekend.

6. Avoid hangovers

Try to be mindful to not overdo it. Avoiding hangovers can avoid lots of bad choices with food the next day!

7. Snack wisely

Don’t be tempted to make bad food choices. As usual be prepared with healthy snacks.

8. Practise mindful eating

It’s easy to slip into ‘treat yourself’ mode of thinking at events or dinners - try to stay mindful with making healthy choices.

9. Get enough sleep

Don’t put yourself in a position where you are burning yourself out with late nights and lack of sleep. This will cause your whole routine to fall apart and leads to poor decision making.

10. Keep meals balanced with protein

Stay true to your usual diet goals and include protein in every meal.

11. Avoid holiday treats

Chocolates, puddings, cakes and all sorts of treats are so prevalent this time of year. Stay strong! So no!

12. Prepare heathy options

When you have the opportunity to be the barer of food - prepare healthy treat options and healthy share plates or meals.

13. Pass on dessert

Just say no to dessert.

14. Plan ahead

Look at your calendar of upcoming events and plan your cheat days accordingly.

15. Don’t be afraid to say No

It’s okay to say no, to pass on that roaming canapé, to take a day off or to turn down an invite. Enjoy yourself, but keep focused on your goals also.

All in all, it’s important not to prolong unhealthy habits. Enjoy yourself and be festive, but keep a mindful balance with fun and health. Set limits from the outset and stick to your goals. Most importantly; be aware that you might have a slip up or two - just don’t let that lead to completely abandoning of your goals. Reset and refocus and stay strong!

Have a Healthy Halloween

Chances are you might be celebrating Halloween this year - simply because we are celebrating the right to celebrate now that we are out of lockdown! So if halloween is creeping into your social calendar then we have a recipe for you to keep with the theme but keep it Healthy! Even if you don’t get dressed up or will not be part of any halloween celebrations - this recipe is still a delicious healthy treat you might like to try this weekend.



Baking for Halloween and beyond. A YUMMY take on a Blondie slice. To theme it halloween you just need to find yourself some plastic bats or spiders or sculls (should be easy to get from the supermarket or a $2 shop).

They are sugar free and gluten free & moist and delicious!

- 1 cup of boiled and mashed butternut pumpkin
- 1/2 cup smooth natural peanut butter
- 1/4 cup coconut flour
- 1/4 cup almond meal
- 3 Tbsp powdered stevia
- 1/3 cup coconut cream
- 75g salted butter melted
- 2 eggs
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1/3 cup noshu milk chocolate melts (these are available at woolworths)

- Preheat oven at 170.
- Boil and mash pumpkin.
- Whisk eggs and stevia together.
- Add all other ingredients to the egg (except chocolate) and mix well.
- Stir in chocolate buttons (except a few kept aside to sprinkle on top).
- Line a rectangle slice tray with baking paper & spray with coconut oil.
- Pour mixture into tray and sprinkle a few choc buttons on top.
- Bake on 170 for 25min.

- Decorate with halloween creatures of your choice.

Enjoy the weekend. Avoid the candy. Most of all - enjoy getting back to the gym this weekend! YAY!

A day in the life of Wendy - A food diary

We’ve all heard the saying that its 80% diet that contributes to your health and fitness goals. And this is the truth! You need to get your diet right!

When you join up for Wendy’s 6 Week Challenge you not only get daily work outs and encouragement and support from Wendy - You also get a personalised targeted macro’s daily food plan to suit your body, lifestyle and goals!!!

Wendy also provides all of the recipes with her customised diet plan! Following Wendy’s customised plan will ensure that you get the results that you want to achieve!

PLUS, at the moment, if you sign up for Wendy’s 6 Week Challenge it is HALF PRICE! That’s $297 for 6 weeks of training and diet and daily guidance! You can sign up HERE. (** You just need to enter the discount code 6WEEKS at the cart**)

Here’s a snapshot of what a daily food plan might look like

including some bonus recipes below!

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Each day of the diet plan is different as Wendy ensures that variety keeps you inspired and you never feel bored by what you are eating. Food should be exciting and enjoyable even when it is simple and healthy!

Here are some extra tips from Wendy:

  • Every meal must contain protein

  • It is very important not to miss a meal! Because when you miss a meal and you feel starving, then you will crave carbs and you might fall off the wagon and eat the wrong foods.

  • Stick to the plan because it works!



Serves 1
• 15g chia seeds
• 1/2 cup unsweetened almond
• 30g protein powder (whey, or vegan-friendly), flavour of choice
• Stevia, to sweeten
TO SERVE (Choice of)
• Cinnamon
• 10 almonds
• 1/2 cup fresh or frozen berries
1. Mix protein powder and milk in a shaker until the protein powder dissolves.
2. Pour in an airtight container and then add the other ingredients. Stir well.
3. Store covered in the fridge for at least 20 minutes, or preferably over night.
4. Serve with natural almonds, berries and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
NOTES: You can store chia pudding in the fridge for 2-3 days, so it is perfect to make ahead to save time in the morning. This recipe can also be turned into a smoothie.
In the morning simply place the chia, protein mixture in a blender. Add the berries and process until smooth. Serve with the almonds on the side.



• 2 whole eggs, beaten and seasoned
• 4 egg whites, beaten and seasoned
with the whole egg
• 2 cups baby spinach
• 200g mushrooms, sliced
• 60g feta cheese
• 1/2 onion, thinly sliced
• 1/2 leek, thinly sliced
• 1 clove garlic, finely chopped
• 3 tbsp extra virgin or coconut oil
• Pinch of turmeric
• 1 sprig flat leaf parsley, stems remove and finely chopped
• 1 sprig oregano, stems removed and finely chopped (option: rosemary or thyme)
1. Preheat the oven to 190°C .
2. Meanwhile, add 2 tablespoons of oil to a frying pan and place over medium heat.
3. Once the oil is hot add the mushrooms and cook for a few minutes until they start to brown.
4. Add the onion and leek and cook for another few minutes until they start to brown.
5. Add the garlic and cook for another minute.
6. Add the spinach and cook until the spinach starts to wilt.
7. Season with salt and pepper and then remove from heat.
8. Place another frying pan over low to medium heat.
9. Add some oil and heat up.
10..Whilst pan is heating up, whisk egg and egg whites in a bowl together with the turmeric and any other spice you might want to add. Set aside.
11. Add the vegetables to the second sauté pan and then add the egg mixture.
12. Cook the frittata on the stove for a few minutes, or until it starts to set.
13. Whilst the frittata is cooking, mix half the fresh herbs with the feta cheese in a bowl. 14. Once the frittata begin to set, sprinkle the cheese
and herb mix on top.
15. Place the pan into the oven and let cook until the centre of the frittata is firm.
16. Remove the frittata from the oven and place on a chopping board.
17. Let cool.


Make Your Own Hommus

So we’ve talked about the importance of healthy snacking. We know that sometimes it can be easier said than done. Especially if you aren’t prepared and/or don’t have the know how. So here we are to give a little helping hand. Because, if you have some go-to quick and easy recipes then you have no excuses…… right?

Chic peas are packed with protein and they are a great snack option. Here are a couple of ways you can use them to make some yummy afternoon guilt-free snacks.

Perfect with some carrot, celery or cucumber sticks. And so simple.

- 1 Can of chic peas
- 1 Tbsp tahini
- 1.5 tsp salt flakes
- Juice from 1 lemon
- 1/2 clove of garlic
- 1/2 tsp olive oil

-1/3 cup warm water

Simply put all the ingredients into the nutribullet or blender and you will get a beautiful creamy tasty hommus!

A yummy snack by themselves or on top of hommus, soups or curry’s

- 2 part garlic powder
- 1 part cumin
- 1 part smoked paprika
- Sprinkle of salt flakes

- Mix a drained can of chic peas in a bowl with the spice mix.
- Place on baking paper lined tray and spray with olive oil.
- Bake on 180 for 25 min.

We hope you love these recipes. If you make them - take a photos and share them on your insta story and tag @bootyfitbabes

ALSO, if there are any recipes or tips or tricks or advice that you are wanting then please email us and we will do our best to share some of your requests. Email - wendy@wendylaroche.com

Stay safe xx

Healthy Habits

Even for those of us who workout and eat healthy most days, there are two common areas where people report needing more direction. So here is some inspiration for Healthy Snacking and Abs Workouts. These are areas that people may be falling behind in. With a little bit of planning they are things that you can incorporate into your everyday lives/routines.


Following a healthy diet or meal plan should not be too hard if we have the right one. Wendy can help set up nutrition plans for all her BootyFit clients that do not leave you feeling hungry or like you are missing out. BUT, there are times when you may feel hungry between meals OR when working from home gets you looking at the fridge every 20 minutes. Drinking water or a cup of tea at these times can sometimes help. If you have tried fluids and you need something else then here are some snack suggestions.


Firstly, a couple of tips: 

  • Be prepared! If you are heading out for the day then pack your snacks along with your meals.

  • Keep in mind when you are grocery shopping that what you put in your trolley is what you will eat! Be mindful of your diet from this first point and don’t add naughty foods into your pantry stock - it’s the first line of prevention against slip ups.

  • Be mindful that a snack is not a meal. You don’t want to diminish your hunger for your next healthy meal. A snack is something small to just get you through and not to fill you up.

  • Try to keep most snacks protein or green vegetable based and not calorie laden (around 100-200 calories is a good goal estimate).


  1. Can of tuna (add some corn, cucumber, chilli flakes, olives or cherry tomatoes to liven it up).

  2. Carrot and celery sticks with hummus.

  3. Protein shake (add some ice and spinach or berries to it in the blender).

  4. Home made protein balls.

  5. 1 or 2 boiled eggs.

  6. Steamed broccoli sprinkled with salt.

  7. Green apple (add a little almond butter to apple slices if you wish).

  8. Rice cakes with cottage cheese and tomato.

  9. Zucchini and egg white fritters (option to add garlic powder, chives and chilli flakes).

  10. Egg muffins (with choice of capsicum, feta, spinach, parsley, sun-dried tomato and/or mushrooms).

  11. Berries.

  12. Left over’s from a healthy meal.

  13. Turkey, chicken or beef meatballs or fish cakes.

  14. Snow peas or cukes (with tzatziki if you wish).

  15. Greek yogurt (add some protein powder for different flavours).

  16. Kingfish or tuna sashimi.

  17. Edamame.

  18. Kale chips (home made is best).

  19. Cherry tomatoes with fresh basil and a dash of balsamic vinegar.

  20. Marinated artichoke hearts.

  21. Turkey roll ups (slice of turkey with choice of cucumber, picked cucumber, lettuce, tomato, cottage cheese or onion).

  22. Small portion of almonds (10-12 max).

  23. Slice of home made protein banana bread.

  24. Broccolini with some feta sprinkled on top

Stay tuned….. We will be posting some snack recipes on this blog in the coming months.


Sometimes core exercises don’t get the focus they deserve in our weekly workouts. Also, back pain is a real thing for people sitting down a lot for work. Wendy has a suggested Ab routine that you can incorporate at the end of each workout or do them when you can set 10 minutes aside at some point during the day. Doing this at least three times per week will markedly improve your core strength, which will help with back pain as well. Take ten minutes time-out and focus on your core!

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Sending positive vibes to everyone working from home at the moment, or otherwise affected by this crazy whirlwind. Please try and keep working out and eating healthy during this time. Let’s emerge from Winter with positive results! If you are looking for some motivation, Wendy has online training programs available as well as the usual classes at the gym. Email Wendy and she can get you set up for her online or face-to-face program: info@wendylaroche.com
