/Tomorrow is the inaugural BootyFit Saturday Stretch Session, with our casual options growing, the team and I thought it would be best to introduce a stretch session, lead by a leading specialist in gym and pole techniques - feel free to come along to trial this exciting flexi session (10:15am at Chapel Fitness on 14/02/2015).
Being a natural female fitness model and competing, stretch is important - especially when working my body to it's full capacity.
Here are some reasons as to why stretching is so beneficial;
- Exercise for longer periods of time
By loosening your muscles and tendons through stretching, you will ultimately relieve muscle fatigue, allowing you to exercise for greater amounts of time - meaning that you'll burn off that extra bit of fat faster! The younger you involve stretching into your fitness regime, the more flexible your body will be as you age.
- More awakened
That tired and sluggish feeling that we all dread, is caused by muscles remaining still in blood - by doing as much as a stretch, this will counteract, making you feel less tired in body your mind and your body.
- Sound sleep
Studies have proven, time and time again, that a regular routine of stretching and/or light exercise will make your nights less restless.
- Decrease injury risks
Amazing findings show that, for example, after a 10 minute stretch (pre-workout), your coordination improves, making it less likely for your muscles to rip and tear. By stretching, you will be enabling the full use of your joints and rotation.
- Decrease stress
A perfect relief for stress of any kind, stretching causes your muscles to contract, becoming tense. While stretch sessions can range in intensity, it is always a sure-way to boost your endorphins.
Want to get more flexi, then?
Join me at our Saturday Stretch Session, contact '' or head to '' for more information!