What Your Judge Judges - Bikini & Fitness Modelling

Many young females are flocking to have their physique judged at fitness and bikini model competitions, world-wide. 

As an INBA Elite Judge, I hope to assist girls to reach their goals in the healthiest way - your body can be a telltale of your lifestyle and we can see that what you literally put in, is what you'll get back in return. 

I started my journey with INBA years ago. After attaining 3 World Natural Bodybuilding Titles. I have seen the struggles and managed to find my own balance. As mentioned in my last post, the 80/20 Rule is something I hold true to and recommend as a base. This has aided my achievements so much.

Will you be competing in or attending INBA's All Female Classic this Sunday?
There will be over 330 of the hottest, inspirational, & natural physiques!

INBA All Female

Here are my 5 top tips: 

  • 1. Practice you posing
  • 2. Work to your own advantages (know your strengths through feedback)
  • 3. Do not starve yourself - know how to nourish your body to have it looking healthy, balanced & toned
  • 4. Take advantage of time - planning is important to elevate the stresses of your surroundings, especially if it's your first competition 
  • 5. Have an amazing time & own that stage!

