KPMG Fitness & Nutrition Workshop
Wendy La Roche is honoured to be invited to speak about fitness & nutrition at KPMG's Melbourne office.
"KPMG is one of the world’s leading professional services networks. It comprises over 155,000 people in member firms in 155 countries.
In Australia, KPMG has over 5,000 people, including over 380 partners, with offices around the country. Our position is built on the professionalism of our people, the quality of the Audit, Tax, and Advisory services we offer and the contribution we make to the wellbeing of the communities in which we live and operate." - KPMG Australia, At a Glance
Renovate Your Body with Craig Harper & Wendy La Roche
Craig Harper & Wendy La Roche present 'Renovate Your Body', an inspirational evening with two of Australia's leading health & fitness mentors.
Eliminate your excuses & really kick into gear this Winter, as your Summer & future-self will thank you!
Let this dynamic duo inspire you to create your best body & more importantly, keep it - forever. It's about learning to maximise your genetics, rather than wasting them. It's about creating amazing, dramatic & permanent change through thinking, choices, behaviours & ultimately, your body.
Wednesday the 13th of August, 2014
6:45 PM until 9:00 PM
St Kilda Marina
42b Marine Parade
Elwood. VIC. 3184
Early Bird Special is $50.00 per person
Our Early Bird Special is on offer until 5pm on the 25th of July, 2014
Tickets will be priced at $75.00 per person
once our Early Bird Special is no longer valid
Please make payment to the following Westpac account with the main payer's name in the description & advise us at '' of your guest names:
Account Name: WLR Events
BSB: 733-072
Account #: 721518
For further information & bookings, please contact
Topics that will be covered:
- Why most people fail & how not to
- Why the "quick-fix" doesn’t work & what does
- What the weight-loss gurus fail to tell us
- Changing our relationship with food
- How & why we sabotage our own goals - a focus on how not to!
- Understanding & integrating the concept of "complete" health
- 'Genetic Management 101' - maximising what we’ve got
- Why biology isn’t destiny
- Why diets don’t work
- Exercise myths & fallacies
- Why many low-fat foods aren’t low in fat
- Why getting in shape is more about our psychology than our physiology
- How to lower our biological age
- Becoming more effective & empowered decision makers
- Understanding, defining & creating your success
- Learning to deal with & even value discomfort
- Why motivation isn't the key & what is
- Overcoming destructive habits
- Welcoming & building new beliefs
- Developing new & reality-changing life skills
- Changing attitude to change reality
Clean Eating Workshop for a Leaner, Fitter Body
'Clean Eating Workshop for a Leaner, Fitter Body' with Wendy La Roche
6:15PM - 8:45PM
Wednesday 2nd July, 2014
- Delicious raw desserts
- Superfood smoothies
- Wendy’s favourite Love & Nourish recipe
Love & Nourish
3a Carlton Street, Prahran VIC 3181
$55 for early birds (valid until 5pm Friday 27th June, 2014)
$70 per person
All payments to be paid in full, prior to workshop
Please book or find out more via ''.