Get Your Goals Set

Let's be real - you have to be realistic about your body transformation, with time measuring against effort (finding your balance)..

Ask yourself, "what am I willing to put in, to get the results I want?", as a great starting point to either kickstart your wellness journey, or to simply get yourself back on track. 

Remember, it's not all about 'Clean Eating' or trends - it's about you, your body and your goals. We are all built differently, so the trick is to design your body and fine-tune what works for you!

Ensure that your goals are realistic and based on your body, as I mentioned in a previous post, the '80/20' Rule is an important base and balance is something I am reiterating to my workout girls. 

I have just kickstarted my BootyFit 6 Week Shape Up Program, so if you have missed out - there are still very limited spots available. Next on my agenda is a Winter Wellness Workshop being held at Love & Nourish cafe in Prahran on Monday the 13th of July, 2015!

So, whether you're looking to take the stage, want to tone up or simply find out more about my mantras and some top training tips, it is a workshop you do not want to miss out on.

After all, Summer bodies are really made in Winter...



What Your Judge Judges - Bikini & Fitness Modelling

Many young females are flocking to have their physique judged at fitness and bikini model competitions, world-wide. 

As an INBA Elite Judge, I hope to assist girls to reach their goals in the healthiest way - your body can be a telltale of your lifestyle and we can see that what you literally put in, is what you'll get back in return. 

I started my journey with INBA years ago. After attaining 3 World Natural Bodybuilding Titles. I have seen the struggles and managed to find my own balance. As mentioned in my last post, the 80/20 Rule is something I hold true to and recommend as a base. This has aided my achievements so much.

Will you be competing in or attending INBA's All Female Classic this Sunday?
There will be over 330 of the hottest, inspirational, & natural physiques!

INBA All Female

Here are my 5 top tips: 

  • 1. Practice you posing
  • 2. Work to your own advantages (know your strengths through feedback)
  • 3. Do not starve yourself - know how to nourish your body to have it looking healthy, balanced & toned
  • 4. Take advantage of time - planning is important to elevate the stresses of your surroundings, especially if it's your first competition 
  • 5. Have an amazing time & own that stage!




80/20 Rule - Bringing Back Balance

Hi there!

Welcome to my blog - we're going to keep it consistent,  with some great tips, advice and findings being pushed your way...

As a nutrition and fitness coach - it's not all about being a health addict, it's a passion I hold for wellbeing and balance. Combine that with love for fitness and you get some pretty damn tasty sexy, wholesome food – full of nutrients that nourish, heal, and satisfy the soul.

As a International fitness model my health plays a big role in my everyday life. Many people ask for my advice on how I stay fit and healthy so through this blog, I aim to share my knowledge and to inspire you all on your journey to a healthier, happier outlook and lifestyle.­

My diet is heavily created around a whole-food, plant-based diet. I am not gluten intolerant, but I don’t eat much gluten and I limit processed, refined foods, whilst also limiting my dairy intake. I eat meat and my sugar comes from natural, non-processed sources.

To be honest I eat what I want, when I want, and I don’t count calories. When you eat right your body will thrive, so listen to it. I'm fortunate enough to have found a balance that works best for my body, which is the biggest achievement you can make, with most meals I crave are the healthier options that I've created to adapt to a healthier lifestyle, which you will find through the coming recipe section of this blog.

I'm a big believer in the 80/20 rule. This means that healthy, nourishing food is consumed 80% of the time, leaving 20% of foods you love can be enjoyed with family and friends without feeling guilty or compromising your tastebuds! 

Leading a holistic and balanced life has it's rewards and with the notion that knowledge is power, I hope to share my insights to aid your journey too, as you should shrive to be the best version of yourself - not a version of somebody else. 




Tomorrow is the inaugural BootyFit Saturday Stretch Session, with our casual options growing, the team and I thought it would be best to introduce a stretch session, lead by a leading specialist in gym and pole techniques - feel free to come along to trial this exciting flexi session (10:15am at Chapel Fitness on 14/02/2015).

Being a natural female fitness model and competing, stretch is important - especially when working my body to it's full capacity. 

Here are some reasons as to why stretching is so beneficial;

  1. Exercise for longer periods of time
    By loosening your muscles and tendons through stretching, you will ultimately relieve muscle fatigue, allowing you to exercise for greater amounts of time - meaning that you'll burn off that extra bit of fat faster! The younger you involve stretching into your fitness regime, the more flexible your body will be as you age.
  2. More awakened
    That tired and sluggish feeling that we all dread, is caused by muscles remaining still in blood - by doing as much as a stretch, this will counteract, making you feel less tired in body your mind and your body.
  3. Sound sleep
    Studies have proven, time and time again, that a regular routine of stretching and/or light exercise will make your nights less restless.
  4. Decrease injury risks
    Amazing findings show that, for example, after a 10 minute stretch (pre-workout), your coordination improves, making it less likely for your muscles to rip and tear. By stretching, you will be enabling the full use of your joints and rotation. 
  5. Decrease stress
    A perfect relief for stress of any kind, stretching causes your muscles to contract, becoming tense. While stretch sessions can range in intensity, it is always a sure-way to boost your endorphins.

Want to get more flexi, then?

Join me at our Saturday Stretch Session, contact '' or head to '' for more information!



BootyFit's in VOGUE!

I am ecstatic to be sharing the news that BootyFit is a British Vogue recommendation!

The opportunity rose when contacted by their team to involved BootyFit's International Luxury Detox Retreats in their 'Vogue Retreats'.

BootyFit's International Luxury Detox Retreats are different to many retreats on offer - rewarding you with results and plenty of health and fitness knowledge to continue using once the retreat is over. These vacations are designed replenish your body, with a focus on detoxing, then increasing the intensity of your workouts. The retreats run for two weeks at a time, with our first retreat in the New Year being held in Bali between the 19th of April and the 5th of May, 2015!

You can see the coverage of BootyFit in British Vogue's January 2015 issue, here.

BootyFit is looking to be bigger, better and stronger in the New Year - stay tuned through our newsletter or social media, which can all be found at

