Peanut Butter Protein Smoothie
/Because who doesn’t love Peanut Butter!
If you are having peanut butter cravings then this smoothie is sure to hit the spot without you having to shovel several tablespoons into your mouth (lets be honest - we have all done that before!)
The trouble with peanut butter is that it is so delicious and you just keep wanting more, and those small spoonfuls are so calorie laden. It is time to introduce you to PB2…. if you haven’t met already. PB2 is a peanut butter powder that is great for smoothies or baking and has 85% less calories than peanut butter! Yay! You can add a little water to it to make it a peanut butter-like paste, or you can add it to smoothies or baking to get that peanut butter flavour. You can buy it online from I-herb, but it is available at some health food stores and even some of the bigger supermarkets nowadays.
This peanut butter smoothie is not only delish, but it hits the spot for those peanut butter cravings perfectly AND it keeps you full till lunchtime, without being heavy on the calories. To be prepared you will have to peel and chop up a zucchini into small pieces the night before and freeze it. The frozen zucchini makes the smoothie cold and thick and delicious.
1/2 scoop of vegan vanilla protein powder
3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
3/4 cup frozen zucchini pieces (peel and cut a zucchini into quarters before chopping it up into small triangles and freeze in portions for smoothies)
2 Tbsp of PB2
1 small banana (ladyfinger) or half a regular size banana
1/2 Tbsp natural peanut butter to drizzle in your glass or on top of your smoothie
Peel, chop and freeze zucchini the night before
Drizzle some peanut butter in your glass (optional)
Simply blend it all other ingredients together in your blender
Option to drizzle peanut butter on top
Savour your time with this beauty!
This smoothie has 21g of protein and less than 350 calories and it is so filling and satisfying!